This is the Survey Corner

3 05 2010

Welcome to the Survey Corner, a blog where I will be talking about online survey. You see, I have always been pretty fascinated with the idea of people interaction and communication, because this is actually what helped us to evolve from the Stone Age. Nothing is more important for humanity than humans communicating with each other and expressing their needs, wants, and especially their ideas.

Contrary to popular belief, we do not act individually, we act as a whole, not very different from the ants in an anthill. We may think that we do things individually, but the reality (cruel or not, depending on each person’s interpretation) is that we are all part of a well established system. And this system simply can not work without people knowing what others think.

For this reason, online surveys are very important these days. It’s crucial to know what your employees want to be happening at the company, for example, and it’s just as important to find out what your customers are thinking about your business.



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